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Mastering the Escape: A Guide to Teching Throws in Tekken 7

Throws are a fundamental part of Tekken 7’s gameplay, offering a way to overpower your opponent and land a guaranteed damaging combo. But fear not, there’s a defensive option at your disposal: throw teching.

What is Throw Teching?

Throw teching is the act of escaping a throw by pressing the correct button during the throw’s animation. A successful tech will interrupt the throw and push you away from your opponent, leaving you in a neutral position.

How to Tech Throws:

There are two main types of throws in Tekken 7:

Here are some general tips for improving your throw teching:

Beyond the Basics:

While teching throws is a core defensive skill, there’s more to mastering throws in Tekken 7. You can also explore advanced concepts like:

Remember, mastering throws is a journey, and consistent practice is key to success. With dedication and these tips, you’ll be teching throws out of instinct and turning the tide of battle in Tekken 7!

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