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Five Tips For Teen Health, Teen Fitness, And College Health

Anyone who is concerned with teen health, teen fitness and college health, need to look no farther than your local gym floor to see why there is such a problem with teen fitness today.

Students don’t know the first thing about college health or teen health, and that is drastically cbdrumourcom their expanding waistline. Students who are concerned with teen fitness need to alter their workout easier in order to become more fit.

College health is tough to regulate because of the late night parties, all you can eat buffets and drastically different lifestyle. Also, college students are much less likely to be as active as they were in high school, then teen health was much easier to come by (think 3-sport athlete).

Most teens, unfortunately, know nothing about teen health and teen fitness, and it shows in gyms across the country. Teens are showing up to the gym to workout, but we will not address the issues of teen health and teen fitness until we alter their workouts.

Here are quick tips to improve teen fitness, teen health and college fitness:

1- Rest less and workout more. It’s tough for teens to lose weight while they are resting five mintues between sets. You need to get up and workout more. Do a set of jumping jacks between sets, it’ll work! That’ll help out teen health and college health.

2- Lift weights to lose weight. Teen health is terrible because they, especially females, waste their time on the treadmills and elliptical. College health would greatly improve with shorter workouts with lifting more weights, and teen fitness wouldn’t be such an issue if teens lifted.

3- When doing cardio, do it right. Long distance running or walking will not improve teem health. In fact, there have been studies done to prove that adding aerobic training to a workout showed nothing that dieting alone wouldn’t help. Do a short run (less than a minute) followed by a shorter walk. That’ll greatly help teen fitness and college health. It’ll help lose weight!

4- Don’t isolate muscles. Teen health, teen fitness and college health will not improve unless they learn to workout right. Bicep curls will not improve teen health and teen fitness. Neither will triceps kickbacks or sit ups help out college health.

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